Increased numbers of people are suffering from heart disease and the count is continuously increasing as per the survey reports. People should keep in mind that their actions today can prevent, delay or minimize the effect of heart disease or can trigger the chances.

In today’s world, the changed lifestyle is considered as the major factor for the increased number of diseases and the key is to control risk factors. Certainly, there are wide array of risk factors for heart disease from the family history to smoking habits, improper diet, irregular or no exercise and many more. Moreover, in case of heart disease age and gender are the most influencing factor.

However, with the advent of technology and continuous research, the medical experts have introduced number of treatment and medication for the treatment of the heart disease. But people must put enough efforts to avoid the main causes to reduce the chances of being diagnosed with such critical medical condition.

Some of the major risk factors of the heart disease includes but are not limited to an increased level of cholesterol, higher blood pressure level for years, diabetes, regular consumption of alcohol and smoking habits. Below are some guidelines which might help to save your life by reducing the chances of being diagnosed with heart disease:

a. Quit bad habits
Regular consumption of alcohol and continuous smoking is often considered as bad habits as they deteriorate most of the organs of the human body. According to the reports, regular smokers are highly vulnerable to heart strokes and other related medical condition. Quitting them or limiting them to certain occasion might work wonder for people.

b. Regular exercise or physical activity
Physical activity or exercise is not limited to joining a gym; rather one can also opt for morning walks/joggings, can perform yoga or play some intense outdoor games. Keeping the body active reduces the chances of heart disease. Hence, one must work out for certain dedicated hours every day.

c. Follow a healthy diet
The body needs an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for proper functioning. In order to avoid the chances of heart disease, the nutritionist recommends people to consume foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant-based foods are considered a healthy diet. Moreover, one must look for the foods which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and should limit the consumption of salt and sugar.

d. Maintain a healthy weight along with controlled blood sugar and cholesterol level
Obesity is considered as the root cause for number of medical condition. It is essential for every individual to maintain a healthy weight by making some positive changes in their lifestyle. Moreover, keeping control over the blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol level reduces the chances of certain heart diseases.

e. Regular check-ups from the experts
Considering the increased rate of medical issues, one must make it a habit to consult the best medical experts for the regular check-ups as it helps to detect the issues in the early stage, increasing the chances of getting proper treatment.

Moreover, one must not skip on the provided medicines as they affect the functioning of the body. To avoid the difficulties in making purchase for the medicine, the online Canadian Pharmacy has been introduced which allow people to easily make the purchase of prescribed medications within few clicks, hassle-free.