The kilt is always seen as a traditional outfit, but it is slowly gaining the popularity, and fashion enthusiast look curious to try it out. The kilt is the national dress of the people of Scotland, and it was the traditional wear since centuries, and over the period it has gained popularity because it is something very different from what people wear in their daily lives.

Kilt can look odd, but it definitely holds a history of tradition, culture and belief that is going strong for centuries. If you think kilt is just a skirt type attire that men wear then hold on a second because you have to do some research on it before reaching to a point.

So, if you are not from the Scottish Highlands but love kilt, then you definitely can try it out anytime. Before heading straight to shop men's kilts hold on a bit because it is not just about wearing a men skirt, but it is about wearing the complete outfit as the traditional people wear.

There are many things that you have to consider like the fabric of the kilt, the pattern of the kilt and of course not to forget the budget because kilt is not something that comes with a cheap price tag.

So here are the things you have to look into to not look odd in an outfit that has a different charm and is not so familiar with the people around the world.

Jacket: In traditional kilt, the Prince Charlie jacket is the hot favourite but for a semi-formal outfit an Argyll outfit is best for you. It is considered as less formal, and you can wear it as a casual outfit also. Argyll jacket has the same set of buttons down each cuff, but they are lesser in number and also arranged in a different pattern.

Beside this Argyll, jacket doesn’t sit as high as the Prince Charlie Jacket. Argyll outfit is more distinct and way more versatile than a Prince Charlie outfit.

Now if you think Argyll outfit is less formal then it doesn’t mean that you must not pay attention to the accessories because accessories make the kilt outfit complete without them it is just a skirt and jacket.

Accessories that you must pay attention to:
Footwear: To keep the things less formal instead of opting for ghillie brogues you should choose a regular pair of business shoes.

Flashes: Flashes are purely for decoration purpose and similar to the Prince Charlie outfit they are worn at the top of hose to hold it up. But make sure your flashes match with the tartan of your kilt.

Sporran: Sporran is available in a wide range of styles and materials. For example, with a black bow tie with Argyll outfit, a dress sporran would be just perfect. You can also opt for a daywear sporran.

Beside the above-mentioned accessories another important element that makes your semi-formal kilt outfit complete are Sgian Dubh, Kilt pin, Fly Plaid etc. So, try to research a bit and before heading straight to a kilt store make sure you know everything about the semi-formal kilt outfit.