What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease, is caused when the body’s immune system starts attacking the joints resulting in inflammation. People are suffering from this disease experience extreme pain, swelling and stiffness in their joints as well as fatigue and fever. RA doesn’t only affect the joints, but it can also affect other body organs such as skin, lungs, heart etc. Lumps of tissues may appear on the skin as well as on lungs and heart – they are referred to as rheumatoid nodules.

RA can cause inflammation in the eye ball’s white area as well which can result in loss of sight. Other complications include inflammation of heart’s membrane, strokes, anaemia, insomnia, inflammation in lungs and infections. In severe cases, RA causes joint deformity- fingers and hands may change shape, ankle and heel may lose their positions making it extremely difficult to walk, and the toes may become entangled and twisted.

The treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis helps manage the pain and inflammation, but in many cases, it doesn’t have the desired level of effectiveness. The medicines prescribed take a heavy toll on the health conditions which puts the patients through a lot of inconveniences. Many types of research are being carried out on using a compound derived from hemp known as CBD, which is derived from marijuana, as an anti-inflammatory medicine.

What is CBD?
Cannabidiol is a compound found in hemp or marijuana plant. Although it has the same properties as marijuana, but it doesn’t get you high as it is free of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has psychoactive properties that influence the mental state of a person. CBD products are only legal when THC content is extremely low and does not cause addiction. While looking for CBD products, special attention should be paid to their constitution- they must contain extremely low THC. Private label hemp capsules are comprised of pure CBD and can be used regularly without any side effects.

CBD for Rheumatoid Arthritis:
The human body has an Endocannabinoid system which creates its own cannabinoids and contains two receptors; CB1 and CB2. CBD attaches itself to these receptors and influences the body’s immune and central nervous system. It also causes the body to release more cannabinoids and minimizes inflammation as well as joint pain by affecting the immune system. In RA, T-lymphocytes migrate and invade synovial tissues of the joints, causing inflammation. CBD suppresses these T-cells and aids the anti-inflammatory process.

CBD is best for people, on whom other medical treatments fail to work. It’s best to look for a natural solution instead of using pharmaceutical medicines which don’t even deliver the desired results. Cannabidiol not only has anti-inflammatory effects but also helps cure insomnia, infections and other medical complications.