Dog at home is like the best buddy walking around you all the time. Being an owner of the dog it is very important to know all about the needs of dogs. When you are in love with those big puppy eyes at the shelter or the pet shop and brought her home, then you are now ready to be a responsible owner and caretaker.

It’s a blessing to have a dog at your home with your family. They are very trustworthy and faithful towards you as they don’t judge you based on your appearance and your job. The only thing they know about you is you are showering love on him.

Healthy and happy dogs make you healthy and happy but when your dog gets sick it’s heartbreaking for you and at that times your dogs needs you the more. Pet Express is there for you to help you to take care of your companion. So always be ready to give your best while taking care of your dog. Here are some of the critical needs of a healthy dog:

Quality Food-

The most important thing that you should make for your dog to be healthy. Choose the quality dog food, full of all the nutrients to make him energetic and healthy to love you. Before picking the fruits and vegetables first check the ingredients to make them happy and healthy it is very important to pick the organic and natural dog food. Good quality food saves your money how? Choosing good quality food makes the dog healthy and free from disease to spend an extra penny on their medicines.

Clean Water-

For the good healthy dog needs the clean and cool water, and to maintain the proper amount of fluid in the body it is very important to monitor that how much your dog is consuming water daily. Usually talking about the summer care the water is a very important need for the dog to keep him healthy and happy.


If your dog is healthy then goes for a 20minutes walk with your dog to make him active. Like human’s dogs also need exercise to keep the body active and healthy, you can consult the veterinarian for the exercise regime for your dog.

Mental Health-

Never leave your dog alone as the boredom can make your dog manifest unwanted behavior like incessant barking chewing furniture, digging through the trash, etc. Give your dog a mental boost each day by teaching him a trick. You can give your dog safe bone or chew toys to redirect his boredom.

Love And Affection-

To be a good owner it is very important to take care of your dog’s physical and mental health. Love and affection gave by you also help in making the dog healthy and happy.

These were the basic things and critical needs of the dog that should not be ignored at any cost. Love your best companion and live a great life with them.